You tell a religious leader you’re suffering from ‘same sex attraction’ they will come along and pray. Praying sounds benign. It is anything but.
SOURCE: Mirror online, 15 May 2021, see as at 1 November 2021What does the Government mean by ‘conversion therapy’?
The Government wants to ban it but hasn't really said what 'it' is. In reality, ‘conversion therapy’ is a wide umbrella term chosen by LGBT campaigners. It covers grotesque illegal assaults such as 'corrective rape' and abusive quack medical practices like electric shock 'therapy'.But the campaigners want to go much further. They say: ‘Any form of... persuading someone to change their sexual... behaviour... or gender identity should be illegal’.
It shouldn’t be illegal for Christians to teach their faith, or for people to pray for their friends, but that's clearly what the campaigners want.
Don't just take our word for it. Here they are in their own words:Most people who share their sexuality with a church leader... are most likely to be ‘offered’ the chance to be prayed for…
SOURCE: ‘The 5 damaging practices that churches inflict on LGBT people’, Steve Chalke, Open Church Network, see as at 9 July 2021Conversion Therapy can range from ‘therapy’ and prayer sessions, to aversive treatments like electroshocks or even ‘corrective’ rape.
SOURCE: ‘Alicia Kearns MP: We must criminalise abhorrent practice of LGBTQ+ conversion therapy’, Politics Home, 1 February 2021, see as at 9 July 2021This is not a matter of freedom of speech... this harmful practice is unfortunately promoted and practised primarily by religious leaders... the ban must... ensure that no loopholes are created that allow those who practise conversion therapy to offer help in ‘changing one’s behaviour’.
SOURCE: ‘Letter to the Prime Minister’, Ozanne Foundation, 8 September 2020, see as at 9 July 2021Those who resist legislation against conversion therapy often resist the idea of a prayer or a pastoral conversation being subject to the scrutiny of law. However, if these things take place in an overwhelmingly homophobic or transphobic context the pernicious power of prayer must be dealt with.
SOURCE: The Independent online, 20 February 2021, see as at 9 July 2021Conversion therapy often involves teachings pulled from religious texts, prayer, spiritual discipline…
SOURCE: ‘About Conversion Therapy’, The Trevor Project, see as at 6 July 2021I want to see people go to prison if they try to convince a gay person that what they're doing is wrong.
SOURCE: GQ, 26 February 2021, see as at 12 September 2022I would strongly refute that ‘gentle non-coercive prayer’ should be allowed. All prayer that seeks to change or suppress someone’s innate sexuality or gender identity is deeply damaging and causes immeasurable harm.
SOURCE: The Guardian online, 9 June 2021, as at 9 July 2021I knew I would only ever be truly welcome [in a church] if I accepted this insidious talk of ‘forgiveness’ and ‘redemption’, which I would not be alone in hearing as a dog-whistle for conversion therapy.
SOURCE: The Guardian online, 16 December 2020, see as at 9 July 2021In extreme cases it can involve rape and exorcism, but it often takes more subtle forms, including prayer and spiritual guidance.
SOURCE: ITV News online, 11 March 2021, see as at 9 July 2021They want to BAN...
...praying with friends about unwanted feelings of same-sex attraction. ministers from urging people to repent of sexual sin.
...inviting gay people to follow the Bible's teaching on celibacy and marriage.
...Sunday schools and youth groups from advocating the Christian sexual ethic.
...discouraging a child from taking cross-sex hormones. from seeking help.
Let Us Pray is a campaign of The Christian Institute supported by:

Revd Calvin Robinson
Conservative commentator.

Simon Calvert
A Deputy Director at The Christian Institute and head of successful campaigns Reform Section 5, NO2NP and others.

Revd Dr Matthew PW Roberts
Minister of Trinity Church York and former Moderator of the International Presbyterian Church.

Revd Dr Ian Paul
Associate Minister of St Nic's Church Nottingham and Adjunct Professor of New Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary.

Dr Stuart Waiton
Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Criminology at Abertay University.

Revd Graham Nicholls
Pastor at Christ Church Haywards Heath and Director of Affinity.

Dr Julie Maxwell MBBCh MRCPCH
Retired Community Paediatrician, Deputy Director of Lovewise, trustee of Family Education Trust and General Synod Member (CofE).

Revd David Gobbett
Lead Pastor of Highfields Church Cardiff.

Revd Raymond Brown
Senior Minister of East London Tabernacle Baptist.

Revd Stephen Allison
Minister of Kiltarlity Free Church of Scotland, Assistant Clerk to the General Assembly and Public Engagement Coordinator for the Free Church of Scotland.